Child’s Name: Samantha

Child’s Age: 3 years 6 months

Describe your disability:

My daughter was diagnosed in February of 2016 with mod-severe Autism Spectrum Disorder. She was diagnosed nonverbal, however, over the last year she has made improvements. I would not consider her “nonverbal,” although she is mainly using words to label things but is also starting to request things using her PECS book and some words. Recently she was diagnosed with pronation in her feet (she needs to get braces) and hypotonia (low muscle tone).

What is your request?

We are requesting a 3 in 1 indoor play set with accessories for her to work on her muscle tone, balance, and coordination issues, and overall just to help with her delays in gross motor.

What impact will a gift from MGCA have on your life?

The impact of this gift would honestly remind me how there are people and places out there that really do care about us and our family and want to help. There are so many times that I/we feel alone and like it’s us against the world. To even be learning about organizations like this that offer assistance to help promote a better quality of life for some helps renew some of my faith. It’s a long, hard road every day, but if these items could help her or even make her smile once in a while, I would truly be grateful.

My Gym Children's Fitness Centers
My Gym Foundation15300 Ventura Boulevard • Suite 523 • Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 907-6966